Re (5): сбойнуло ...
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Отправлено Quark, 23:35:53 22/10/2002
в ответ на: Re (4): сбойнуло ..., отправлено Иван FXS, 23:06:30 22/10/2002
«As any system trader from this forum does»  
- вообще-то Вы — первый, кто берется распределение «отрихтовать» ...  
The system (not fundamentally informed) trader can make money if and only if he makes the distribution closer to random. Some people may not understand that they are doing so. They can talk about MACD, oscillators, price coridors, candles and the staff like that. Some people may even not understand what they are doing at all, using some optimized trade system written on Metastock or Omega. But the facts stay the same: they are doing money by making the market more efficient.
«why the distribution becomes Gaussian after 3 months?»  
      - а бог его знает
Because there exist system traders.
вообще-то Гауссовость не означет НЕвозможность заработать
Can one earn if the stock price moves at random? If there are no macroeconomic data, fundamental information, etc?
не-Гауссовость не означет
возможность заработать на данном ценовом ряде ...
I agree.
All the best,

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